The tiara of wisdom

The tiara of wisdom

Peter was the old man of the town. He was one hundred years old and he knew wonderful stories that the people did not know. My favorite story that he told me it was about a tiara of the wisdom. The story related that if a person had the tiara on her head she could know how to handle the rest of her life with wisdom. The tiara got born of the volcano´s ashen. Peter said that it was of green gold and precious stones.

Also, the tiara was invisible when somebody wore it. Peter remembers when he saw it for the first occasion. He was twelve years old and he was a mischievous child because He loved the hard jokes. He said to me that one day he was making his jokes, but an old woman was his victim. She was watering her plants: a beautiful garden with roses, carnations and titans sunflowers.

He wanted her to shiver for horror because of the black spider he made and that she met. Before he had hidden it on her garden between the large sunflowers. When she was near of the sunflowers, she saw the black spider, but she did not horror, she smiled and immediately she saw me where I was hidden in front to of her garden. Peter said me that in the moment he was terrified.

The old woman took out an invisible and green tiara of her head and she said: “it is the moment” and the tiara disappeared. Peter said to me that he never saw the tiara in his life ever again, but during his life he had felt that the tiara is about his head because he changed from these day. Now, he does not like the jokers, he prefers to help people. I do not know if it is true o it is lie, but I believe that Peter is an old and good man.  



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