The sword and lightning

The sword and lightning

I will talk a story of a boy. His name is Giovanni “The invincible”. When ha was a kid small he sait himself: I am warrior and it was his inspiration.

The first challenge was he learnt import a of the independence. When he was twelve years, he learnt carpentry himself.

He made chairs and tables, but he made a special sword because it represented his brave. The special sword was wood, long and green. Every day he practiced in the forest.

A day, Giovanni was practicing with his special sword when a mystery woman appeared between the carnations.

She said:

-Help me, please. A beast is destroying my town. I need a brave boy for he uses a lightning and he overcomes the beast. The lightning is in a rock. The story said that a boy brave can take it.

Giovanni is amazing for it. He was to the place where the rock was shone. He could to touch the rock with his word. Giovanni wined the lightning and when he is in front of the beast, he dreamed of his dream.              


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