Melisa´s wish

Melisa´s wish

Once more, Melisa was dreaming to become a good pilot as her father. She wishes She flew such as the birds for the sky along. She knew that one day She will travel by plane in front of the white clouds.

The clouds remember my friends of the school -She said herself every night when She can not sleep. In these moments, Melisa saw the starts.

Two weeks later, in the morning, Melisa is walking in the park when She saw a magic lamp. She was amazing. After when She touched the lamp She found a genius. This genius said:

-You have a wish.

-I wish I can fly already the sky.

Then, She closed the eyes and when She opened them She is flying such as an angel. She does not believe it because in her dreams She was living.

After, six hours, She returned to the to the park. The genius said:

-You wish it is completed -and then He flew far.

Melisa was happy since this day and She always remembered the day and the moment that She can fly between the building, the mountains, about seas…    



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