In the castle

In the castle

I remember that a day. I was walking with my dog in the park. This day was Monday. When I walked to the trees, I saw a nahual. He walked to me and He said:

-Hello Victor. I need you to help me. I have much money but I cannot use it. If you want it I can give it to you.
-But I believe that you prefer my soul that money. If I accept the money, do you win my soul?
-No. It is a lie. If you give money, I want your smiles.
-Don’t believe it. If I work I would win money. I don’t need your money?

Then, the nahual disappeared with my dog´s soul. If I had thought in my dog, the nahual don’t have my soul. I was sad because I had my dog dead. The nahual was intelligent but I wished revenge. Then, I abandoned my dog in the park, but it disappeared too.
I walked around the park. Later, I walked to my house. After the dinner, I was thinking in the nahual…

-Why had he dead my dog?

I went to the chair below the window. I sat down and I saw the stars above the sky.

-I wished could see the nahual one more time… I want my dog now- and I cried all night long.  
The next day, I went to the work. My day was sad but my crews did not know my nighmate.
In the morning, one more time, I wish could see the nahual and I wish that him returned to me and I could did not have word.

I was person relax, but now I said myself:

-I will not relax if I don’t see the nahual. Then, I went to bad.

That night, during my dream, I was with my friends and they were playing opposite of a castle. The castle opened its window and a bird of my friends, but they cut it themselves and survived.

It is a crazy- I said to myself.

My friend Ulises walked with my others friends and he said:

-Don’t worry. We went to the nahual and we will rescuite the soul of your dog.

I was amazed because I could see my dog one more time.

-Let´s go- said to my friends- the nahual will cry!

We went to the castle. In the castle, an egg was eaten by a dragon. The dragon saw us and he tried to kill us.
The flame of dragon was warm and explosive. The arm of my friend was cut for the flame. He castle was in middle of the war for a dog… my dear dog. I don’t know if I should cut the head of dragon or I cut its heart. Then, one rock was taken for Ulises, and with that rock, he killed the ponderous dragon. I was happy because the terrible dragon was under of my feet.
Then, we walked five minutes and we saw the nahual with the soul of my dog in his hands.

-I went the soul my dog back- said.
-You have to fight for it – he screamed.

The castle, for the magic of nahual quarked and I was afraid because a giant beast fight with me. I had cut its head but the beast did not die. I had firedaway in its hands but the beast did not die.

-You have the power in your heart!- the soul my dog said.
-I have the power!- I screamed on the castle- I wish have my dog with me.

Then, the beast died. Finally, in middle of my bed, I know that I had a dream. My dog was with me. Chino is the name of my dog, it was sleeping along of my feet.  



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